
Sep 7 - Oct 7, 2023
Gayleen Aiken, Saul Becker, Michael Bühler-Rose, Elijah Burgher, David Byrd, Kevin Claiborne, Michael Cline, Lindsey Brittain Collins, Matthew Couper, József Csató, Christopher Davison, Alannah Farrell, Bella Foster, Gonzalo Fuenmayor, Santiago Galeas, Peter Gallo, Leasho Johnson, Kalup Linzy, Lauren dela Roche, James Everett Stanley, Robert Terry, Orkideh Torabi & MJ Torrecampo


Place-World is a group exhibition inspired by the book Getting Back into Place: Toward a Renewed Understanding of the Place-World by Edward S. Casey. Rooted in architectural phenomenology, “place-world” is a concept that explores the intricate relationship between human beings and the environments we inhabit. Casey explores the idea that our understanding of place is not simply a physical location or a geographical point on a map, but rather a complex interplay of physical, emotional, cultural, and experiential factors. He argues that places are not just static spaces, but they are also deeply intertwined with human identity, memory, and meaning.


Casey's exploration considers five basic notions: “Finding Place,” the need to locate oneself in a multifaceted world; “The Body in Place,” the corporeal engagement and embodied experience within our environments; “Built Places,” the human construction of spaces and their impact on our identity; “Wild Places,” the significance of untamed landscapes and their role in human identity; and “Moving Between Places,” the transitions and connections that occur as individuals traverse and link different spatial realms while carrying the essence of each place with us.