
Comprising of recent paintings, video, and installation elements, Soft Laminate is a two-person exhibition of new works by Sebastian Jefford and Orion Martin. 


“What we sloppily think of as the idea of an emotion, or the emotion as an idea, is in fact the anticipatory repetition of an affective event, precipitated by the encounter between the body’s irritability and a sign.” - Brian Massumi


Neither comes before the other, surface and form predicate each other

Klein Bottle into Mobius Strip into Donut


pets that look like their masters, masters that look like their pets

people as furniture, Rolf Benz is a couch – forniphilia


Wayne Newton’s Shenandoah

The Overlook Hotel


athletes are smokers to metaphysicians

animal camouflage - e.g. The Peppered Moth, Cristobal Baleciaga (RIP)


infinite and indistinguishable layers of laminate - Corian

linens of threads innumerable


at the softest degree of resolution

a counterfeit detector


- Mavis O’Donoghue, Berlin 2011